Advertising in 17 Syllables: A Call for “Adku”

Is it just me, or has haiku really surged in popularity lately?

I suspect it’s largely because haiku is so easily consumed; its bite-sized format is perfect for our overscheduled, time-starved society. It’s also just the right length for social media — especially Twitter, where a wonderful #micropoetry movement has sprung to life. I regularly see #haikuchallenge and #tweetku posts streaming through my feed; I so love these little poetic snacks.



For many modern purveyors of these poems, the form helps set up a “punchline” in the last phrase. Plenty of humor books have made the most of this, from Zombie Haiku (“Good Poetry for Your…Brains”) to Redneck Haiku to the newly published Suburban Haiku, which celebrates (and skewers) the lives of minivan-driving denizens of the ‘burbs.



The simplicity of the form also just begs you to give it a try. To celebrate National Poetry Month, The New York Times asked readers to post haiku odes to The Big Apple; they garnered nearly 3,000 entries.

In that same spirit, why not try your hand at a haiku or two about the advertising world? From creative briefs to client dinners, there’s plenty of poetic fodder. Come play along! Post your own #adku in the comments section below.  Here are a few to start:

Today’s task at hand:

meet the simplest of requests.

“Make it go viral.”


Let’s push the check-in —

briefing info incomplete.

Creatives have needs!

A writer at GSD&M, Carlotta also finds the poetry (and humor) in parenting as The Well-Versed Mom.

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