Hacking YouTube: Science & Secrets of Viral Videos

Whether “viral” videos can be engineered has been much debated, with some saying it’s just plain luck. SXSW speaker, Prerna Gupta quickly proved her credibility on the subject through a revenue equation based on her success creating cost effective viral videos (>48MM views) that drove product sales. Through countless hours of YouTube “stalking” and her own trial and error, she found the science and secrets behind viral hits.

Science: 6 building blocks of viral videos

1. Music

2. Surprise

3. Cuteness

4. B00bs

5. Humor

6. Celebrity

Secrets: tips/tricks from the pro behind this hilarious viral masterpiece

– Best ways to add humor to viral videos: absurdity, parody current events

– How to balance product demo vs. virality: focus on virality and add a product post-roll at the end

– Cost effective way to ensure video views: partner with popular YouTube celebs (they already have the equipment and the audience)

– Tips for negotiating partnerships with YouTube celebs: be persistent, clarify the benefit for them upfront

– Cost considerations compared to other mediums: fixed cost upfront, not paying per view

– Quick tips: video thumbnail is important, get to the point (timing/pacing), seed videos via email lists

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