10 Tips for Creating Social Contests

1. Mitigate risk with public voting by allowing voters to narrow down the finalists and then use judges.

2. For user generated content contests, help entrants promote themselves. Provide them with a form, social sharing buttons, etc.

3. Outsource legal and make sure to check the Facebook guidelines, which are updated frequently.

4. Reach out to key influencers before contest to broaden exposure.

5. There are 3 levels of contest engagement: Low (RT 2 win), Medium (treasure hunt), High (require real-life activity). Choose the one that fits your target audience and engagement goals.

6. For RT 2 win contests, don’t allow copy/paste entries. Ask users to describe why they like the product or why they want to win in their own words.

7. Partnerships are a great way to get awesome prizes while keeping down costs.

8. You can’t predict how your audience will respond to a contest based on how you would respond.

9. Using popular bloggers as judges is a great way to increase reach.

10. RT 2 win contests are good for brand awareness but not for getting a significant message across.

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