Ditchdigging or Brain Surgery? Yes.

I had a boss once that told me that advertising is more ditch digging than brain surgery, meaning that it’s more about the hard work than the brain work. To a not-that-thoughtful 20-something it sounded good, especially when I got to say it (egads), so I went with it. 

More than a few years into this crazy world that I love, I realize that I completely and unreservedly disagree.  Bollocks!, I say to the idea that what we provide is more about the sweat we put into it than the smarts. 

And bollocks on behalf of all of the people who put work together like Arcade Fire and The Wilderness Downtown to the Old Spice Guy to (insert your favorite VW ad here), to the campaigns we just presented to our client Southwest Airlines and the upcoming augmented reality project for the U.S. Air Force. These are all examples of thoughtful, interesting work that took a lot of hard work to get done and done right. I think that is one of the reasons I like the work I do here—as a collective at Idea City we do whatever it takes to build our clients business, which means that I work with a bunch of people pushing and thinking and sweating all day everyday to get it right.  And at the end of the day, or the end of the project, there is great satisfaction in that—the sore muscles, fully contented, sitting, having a beer and surveying your work on a hot day satisfaction we can all appreciate. 

 So in celebration of good thinking and hard work, I share this sculpture by Korean artist Gwon Osang. They are made from hundreds of photographs of the original subjects, overlayed onto life-sized mannequins to create an effect which is both realistic and surreal at the same time. If you want to see more of this amazing work, go to and look under the design tab.   

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