A List of My Top Lists of 2011

Hey, has anyone seen my 2011? No, seriously, where did it go?

2011 blew by, and now that 2012 is TOMORROW (I hope you all have your water jugs and anti-asteroid helmets prepared), the year end lists are upon us! List-o-mania! In honor of this internets-old practice, here are a few of my favorite lists of 2011.

1. Splitsider’s 11 Funny Comedians with Serious Music Albums

This isn’t a “top” list, and it doesn’t have anything to do with 2011, but it’s a fun list all the same. This list is especially fun for me because I remember the first time I saw Steve Martin play the banjo. I thought he was joking for at least half of it. At some point I realized that, nope, he’s just really good at the banjo.

2. Stereogum’s Most Downloaded MP3s of 2011

I’ll admit I didn’t listen to lots of these, but there are some real gems on this list, including two from Bon Iver, Youth Lagoon, and Destroyer. Plus, added bonus, free downloads!

3. Paste’s Top 20 Covers of 2011

Confession time: I’m a sucker for a good cover, and 2011 brought a lot of them. I mean, just put Bon Iver’s cover of “I Can’t Make You Love Me” on and try to argue it didn’t. That video has a permanent home in my browser window. I mean, no it doesn’t. That’d be weird…

4. Videogum’s Best People of 2011

This is just a fun blog post about great people. I think we can all agree that Louis C.K. killed it in 2011. Plus, more sand girl. (The Worst People of 2011 is also a fun read, but in more of a fist shaking way.)

So there you go.

Honorable mentions: My shopping list, lisps (so close!), and David Letterman’s Top Tens (ye olde list that started it all (probably)).

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