CES in Three Words

The CES 2015 showroom officially opened today with, what resembled, Black Friday Door Busters as the velvet rope dropped to release throngs of eager tech enthusiasts onto the floor. The first day is always filled with anticipation to see tomorrow’s technology in action.

The GSD&M team is on the ground at CES tweeting and posting in real-time, but we wanted to take a moment to ask some of our team for three words to describe CES on Day One.

A common theme for the whole team reflected the feeling of being one of 160,000+ people navigating two million square feet of show space.

Melanie Mahaffey: Mind blown. Lost. Customization

Rye Clifton: Crowded. Virtual Reality. Experiential. And context… As in tech/commerce/brands have different meanings and uses at different times.

Carmen Graf: Cross-industry. Personalization. Steps (as in 5 miles on the Fit Bit by lunch time!)

Rene Huey Lipton:  Wandering. Smokey. Lines.

Janice Suter:  Crowds. Sensors. Smart.

Stay tuned for more happenings, learnings, and overall mind-blowing things on Day Two of CES 2015.

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