Countdown to ACL

We are two months away from the ACL music festival 10th anniversary. While I’ve lived most of my adult life in Austin I’ve never been to ACL and usually when I tell people, they respond with “What?!” Since it’s my first time, I’m going to make it special…

I’m in account management so naturally I’ll create a spreadsheet of who I want to see and when. This also requires that I start listening to the bands I’ve never heard of and see who I like best. As it gets closer, my coworkers and I are going to duke it out to see who gets to take September 16th off and who has to stay behind. I worked last year and this place was a ghost town. It felt like you were the only kid that didn’t get invited to the cool kid’s party.

Help make this the best time ever and send me your tips for the festival. 

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