
The idea started with GSD&M’s Associate Creative Director, Joel Williams. After attending the Spicewood Demolition Derby last year, he saw an opportunity for GSD&M to get its hands dirty in a side of Texas rarely experienced. So the following year, Joel rounded up his creative buddies, Design Director Marc Ferrino and Creative Writer Maxx Delaney, and the team poured their hearts into the project. One Craigslist-purchased 1996 Ford Thunderbird, a hammer and paint, and GSD&Molition-branded merchandise (shop rags, T-shirts and koozies) were amassed, then the gang was on their way to destroy at the Spicewood Demolition Derby. And destroy they did—the crew won second place and collected $500 in merchandise sales to donate to the local Spicewood Fire Department.


Videographers: Jacob Stern, Skylar Moran, Hannah Whisenant
Editor: Jacob Stern
Director: Jacob Stern
Chief Creative Officer: Jay Russell
Group Creative Directors: Bill Marceau, Bill Bayne
Producer: Jack Epsteen
Project Management: Alicia Ross
Account Management: David Rockwood, Melanie Mahaffey, Chelsey Korman

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