Heartless Bastards “Highline”

Every year, SXSW attracts hundreds of bands hoping to make it to the next level of their musical career. In 2012, we were fortunate to meet rock-n-rollers Heartless Bastards, who played our Industry Party. We caught up with them this month to see what they’ve been up to since last March. They are gearing up for a West Coast tour, and they’ve worked on the soundtrack for the film Winter in the Blood. Check out a performance from our agency theater, where they play one of the soundtrack songs, “Highline.”

The song is hauntingly beautiful and will stay in your head (in the best way possible). Who doesn’t love the upright bass? Let us know what you think of the song, and we’ll share your feedback with the band.

Our very own Marc Ferrino put together this hand drawn poster for the event. Awesome, right?

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