How L.L. Bean listens to customers

Do you shop online? Me too. Did you accidentally memorize your credit card to make it even easier? Same. Do you hope that the online stores are paying attention to your feedback and reviews? Well Bazaarvoice, homegrown in Austin, developed software that helps connect online customers to the companies. Today, they are hosting the Social Commerce Summit that we are sponsoring, featuring speakers from Best Buy, Microsoft, P&G and 3M.

Our client L.L. Bean will also be speaking — Senior Vice President & CMO Steve Fuller is discussing how L.L. Bean listens to what their customers are saying online. “The most important aspects of your business, which must be measured on an ongoing basis, are the opinions and perspectives of your customers.”BoxRide15_Still_470The conference is being live streamed, so be sure to tune in at 3:05 PM CST here.

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