iPad2 — F’ing awesome!

Can I say that? Never mind. I just did.

Here’s a quick down-and-dirty of what you get…

Thinner than the original iPad, 8.6mm vs. 13.2mm; and also thinner than your iPhone4 

Lighter, from 1.5 lbs. To 1.3 lbs
10-hour battery life, with a month of standby Ships in white or black (I know, who cares about that)
HDMI output
Multi-functional semi-case (not really a case at all; they are calling it a smart cover)
GarageBand (this won’t be popular with real musicians, but for the rest of us — very cool)
Front and rear facing cameras
WiFi Hotspot enabled
Same price as the original iPad
Coming to you March 11th

Image courtesy of

“It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology is not enough. It’s tech married with the liberal arts and the humanities.” — Steve Jobs

Thanks to for keeping us up-to-date during the Apple announcement.

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