Music On Demand: Grooveshark vs. Spotify

When it comes to spreading the musical love, I know how important it is to find the right tool to share.I am a long time believer in An easy to use interface, available on any computer and just about any song I could ever want to listen to. I spent many days creating the perfect playlists for Rod Stewart Mondays, Party Party Fridays, Pre-festival Tuneage, you name it. I could do it all and save it forever. More importantly, I could share it forever, copying any playlist URL and sending it along to both Grooveshark veterans and virgins. Everyone has access! And it was all free.

As a patron of the (computer) arts, I eventually invested in a VIP membership ($3/month) which included an Andrioid app, a banner ad-free interface and a very soft t-shirt. Beyond access to their 50 million+ selection of classics, up-and-comers, obscure covers and remixes alike, there are also radio channels I can check out on days when I don’t want to create a playlist. All in all, there was nothing to complain about. I was in love. I’m still in love. And here’s how I spread that love: have been boasting about Spotify for quite some time, unlimited music on demand and a clean way to navigate . When my invitation finally arrived last week, I began to test it out for myself.

I downloaded the software and began exploring the easy to use interface. I immediately was impressed by the social tie in, pulling my Facebook friends and allowing me to check out their public playlists before I even searched the catalog myself. However, before I had the chance to upgrade to Unlimited (No ads for $4.99/month) or Premium (No ads and smart phone app for $9.99/month), my tunes were interrupted by advertisements. Buzz kill.

When I was ready to build my own playlists, some of the newer bands I’ve been listening to weren’t on there and, of course, no Led Zeppelin or Beatles. There’s no Pandora-like radio option, but there are some celebrity playlists as a resource for discovering new songs. My first concern was that if I’m not on a computer with Spotify, I can’t access my songs. My second concern is that I can’t share my playlists with those not on Spotify yet. A girl’s gotta share!

Am I impressed enough to upgrade to Unlimited or Premium? Not yet. Who’s going to convince me? In the meantime, here’s a playlist from me for you Spotifiers out there:

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