GSD&M Idea City Releases “Profiles in Creativity” for Austin Fashion Week

To garner excitement about Launch787’s Austin Fashion Week kick-off event, “Bright Lights, Idea City,” and to promote Austin’s growing creative scene, GSD&M Idea City is releasing the web series, “Profiles in Creativity.” Produced by six GSD&M Idea City interns, the series highlights the careers of five disparate artists and their relationship with Austin and creativity.

Using YouTube, GSD&M Idea City will release one profile each day starting Monday, August 9th and leading up to the kick-off event on Saturday, August 14th. The profiles include Touch of Sass boutique owner Currie Bucher, make-up artist Maris Malone Caldron, Ilios Lighting owner Brian Azar, sound engineer Richard Belisle and fashion photographer Gerry Hanan.

“We have a long tradition of supporting Austin’s creative culture and drawing on it for inspiration,” said Duff Stewart, president and CEO of GSD&M Idea City. “We are proud to be part of this year’s Fashion Week events and to recognize these individuals for their impact on Austin as a city of ideas.”

GSD&M Idea City will host the 2010 Austin Fashion Week kick-off event, “Bright Lights, Idea City” on Saturday, August 14th. The event begins at 6:00 PM.
About GSD&M Idea City
GSD&M Idea City is an advertising agency that has helped grow some of the world’s most successful brands. For more information visit GSD&M Idea City is part of Omnicom Group, Inc. (NYSE: OMC)

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