New Work: Pulte Homes and Centex


Pulte Homes

Everyone has something in their home they wish they could change. A hallway that should be a little wider. A light switch that was a tad closer. A wall that should be here instead of there. If only someone would ask them what they didn’t like about their homes, so new homes could be built without all those things. That’s the thinking behind Pulte Homes’ Life-Tested designs. Pulte asks every one of their homeowners what they like, and what they’d wish were different. We took that idea and simply portrayed the process as a simple matter of someone wanting a change, so they changed it. Pretty simple. Pretty smart.


Most people who have yet to become a homeowner don’t believe they can achieve it. They’re too afraid of the process, so they simply don’t try to go after the American Dream for fear of being turned down. The people of Centex know this. So they created a way to build quality homes a few notches above other builders in the price range. And they offer first-time homebuyers the peace of mind that only comes with hand-holding them through the entire mortgage process. With that, we helped them proclaim that homeownership is no longer something to put off. And it all becomes real, when they have the plans for the home Centex is going to build for them.

Creative Credits

Agency:  GSD&M
Launch Date:    2/23
Spot Title:   Upgrades
Chief Creative Officer: Mike Wilson
Group Creative Directors:   Bryan Edwards/ Victor Camozzi
Art Director:     Ralph Yznaga
Writer:               Ray Longoria
Executive Producer:     Jeff Johnson
Producer:            Lindsay Stillman
Prod Company:      Hello! Productions
SFX: Ring of Fire
Director:       Matt Smuckler
Editor:     Jim Ulbrich
Photographer:  N/A
Art Buyer:         N/A
Account Service: Ronnie Steck, Kristin Davis, Megan Braman
Marketplace Planning:   Haley Rushing

Agency:  GSD&M
Launch Date:    2/17
Spot Title:    Floor Plans
Chief Creative Officer: Mike Wilson
Group Creative Directors:      Bryan Edwards/ Victor Camozzi
Art Director:         Ralph Yznaga
Writer:  Ray Longoria    Ray Longoria
Executive Producer:    Jeff Johnson
Producer:   Lindsay Stillman
Prod Company:  Hello! Productions
Director:    Matt Smuckler
Editor:     Jim Ulbrich
Photographer:  N/A
Art Buyer:   N/A
Account Service:   Ronnie Steck, Kristin Davis, Megan Braman
Marketplace Planning:   Haley Rushing

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