New Work: Seton “Humancare”

From the Austin American-Statesman, May 27, 2014:

By Claudia Grisales

What’s one way to cut through months of confusion and noise coming from the national health insurance overhaul colloquially called Obamacare?

For the 112-year-old Seton Healthcare Family, that one way could be by launching a major campaign that refocuses your mission: “Humancare.”

Starting today, Austin ad agency GSD&M is helping the Central Texas hospital network launch that message through a series of billboards, print ads, commercials and other efforts throughout the region.

Read the full story at


Agency: GSD&M
Client: Seton Healthcare Family
Title: “Welcome to Humancare” integrated campaign
Launch Date: May 27, 2014
Chief Creative Officer: Jay Russell
Group Creative Director: David Crawford
Creative Director/AD: Sean LaBounty
Creative Director/Writer: Hayden Gilbert
Associate CD/ADs: Gene Blakeney, Kevin Taylor
Associate CD/Writer: Eric Knittel
Copywriter: Nicole Corley
Director of Production: Jack Epsteen
Executive Producers: Bill Wine, Jefferson Burruss
Somo Producer: Abigail Hinojosa
Print Producer: Diane Patrick
Radio Producer: Maria Ivicic
Art Producer: Marilyn Rose
Business Affairs: Danielle Ivicic
Account Service: Jeff Orth, Claire Tudor, Mario Solis
Designers: Alex Roka, Brett Stiles, Greg Thomas
Project Management: Elizabeth Stelling, Marlo Gil
Experience and Insights: Priya Noel
Information Architects: Soli Moshfeghian, Kenzie Haynes
Studio: Summer Ortiz
Studio Services Editor: Agathe Fay
Developers: Todd Black, Kathleen Hermann
Quality Assurance: GSD&M
Motion Graphics: CHRLX
ECD: Ryan Dunn
Graphics Editor: Kevin Matuszewski
Production Company: Curiosity Shoppe
Executive Producer/Production Company: Alex Jarman
Producer/Production Company: Sheina Dao
Audio: Pony Sound
Engineer: David Bewley
Music: Robot Repair
SFX: HenryBoy
Experiential Art: Fisterra

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