U.S. Air Force shares female pilots’ “Origin Stories” ahead of International Women’s Day

Leveraging International Women’s Day and an upcoming, globally known superhero film featuring a female pilot as the heroine which releases on March 8, the U.S. Air Force is unveiling its newest spot.

Showcasing the origins of a superhero who once was the first female fighter pilot in the Air Force, the superhero film found inspiration in the real-life first female fighter pilot—Brig Gen Jeannie Leavitt. Currently the Commander of Air Force Recruiting service, she helped to spearhead the 30-second spot the U.S. Air Force released today ahead of the film’s release and International Women’s Day.

Using this opportunity to inspire more female recruits, Brig Gen Jeannie Leavitt went above the production ask and assembled over 80 female pilots, ranging from generals down to almost every rank. Among them were fighter pilots, bomber pilots, mobility pilots and weapons systems officers. See their stories here.

“Every superhero has an origin story. We all got our start somewhere. For us, it was the U.S. Air Force.”

See the spot below.

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