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    We can’t all be heroes. But we can all thank them.

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    Getting to Know Ya – GSD&M’s President Marianne Malina

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    My Favorite SxSWi Weirdo

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    Sad to Say That Today Austin is a Little Less Weird.

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    What is Pinterest? And more importantly, who cares?

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    Meet Mary: Recent Graduate & Fellow Creative Technologist

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    If not in words, how can we define "authenticity"?

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    Sad Surrogates offering some helpful panel advice...

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    Great summary of my 12:30 panel

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    Powering computers and machines with our thoughts isn't so far off...

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    Surrogates enjoying the beautiful day in between panels

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Public Relations
  • Employee Photo for dfarias
  • Employee Photo for ckwak
  • Employee Photo for mwang