On the Floor at CES

Another day of pounding the pavement at CES 2015 has uncovered more exciting innovations that are on the horizon and huge potential to trigger fundamental shifts in consumer behavior in a variety of categories. As marketers, it’s important for us to keep our pulse on how these shifts in behavior open up exciting ways to engage and provide value for consumers.

We heard a great description of CES from a CNET tour guide that sums up the show so far. “CES 2015 is the intersection of the Internet of Things and Big Data”. So the opportunity for us is to ask ourselves how we make all of this data actionable. As Shelly Palmer stated in an innovation breakfast event yesterday, how will not only consumers’ behavior change, but our behavior change (as marketers) based on the data sets being created by what you see on the CES showroom floor?  It’s a paradigm shift in the way we think about technology and how it serves our needs as marketers.

Some highlights:

2015 could be the year that Virtual Reality is a reality for consumers. Oculus headsets were featured on the show floor. VR gear will provide more immersive and sensory driven experiences for consumers. And gaming is not the end game for VR. These devices will eventually be part of every day life experiences. Think of VR as a way to “unplug” from a busy day by plugging into a peaceful environment of your choosing. The ability for consumers to control their daily environments via VR is a powerful idea.

Over 10 auto manufacturers, including Hyundai and Mercedes, have examples of autonomous cars on the showroom floor. This signals a big shift in the role that cars play in consumers’ lives.  We’re not talking about self-driving cars, necessarily, but more valuable auto assist functions that can potentially save drivers’ lives. Think about a car being able to park you safely and notify 911 if the driver has a health-related issue that renders him or her unable to drive.

The connected home is happening here and now and has developed faster than anyone thought even a year ago. Smart home innovation is prominently featured throughout the show. Beacon technology via your mobile phone can tell when you are nearing your home and prepare for your arrival with an unlocked door and increased lighting, for example.  Or, your lights know not to turn on until you get your 8 hours of sleep. The possibility of our home being this responsive to our individual needs is exciting.

More to come!


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