SXSW 2012: Let the Games Begin

It’s hard to believe we are already voting on panels for SXSW 2012 when we haven’t even taken off our badges from last year. Just me? Cool.

Our SXSurrogates and the rest of our agency can hardly wait for March. We’ve submitted 7 of the 4,800 panels. There’s some tough competition out there, but we are hoping our loyal fans and readers will help us spread the word.

Why should you vote for us? Besides the fact that we are incredibly handsome, we’ve got some compelling stories to tell and we think you’ll be down. Read about them here:imageTwo Birds, One Stone: Ad Grads and Crowdsourcing

Information architect Oscar Llarena and digital strategist Sam Bennett have teamed up with the Texas Ad Grad program to take a deep dive into how crowdsourcing advertising graduates can be better for both companies and these students who are thirsty to share their big ideas.

Vote here and Tweet this: Crowdsourcing – not just for flash mobs anymore. Vote for @softwaremono @sambennett @TexasAdGrad #SXSW

The Emerging Revolution in Life and Work at 40+

Jim Firestone, our the VP of Strategy and Insights, has gathered an expert panel including AARP and some big time authors to talk about how those who are living the “Life After 40 Dream” are managing with the technological changes and economic shifts.

Vote here and Tweet this: @JimFire1 @AARP and more chat about what all those 40+ folks are up to. Spoiler alert: NOT RETIRING. Vote here #SXSW

The Controversial Union of Music and Advertising

So you license your song for a commercial, are you a sell out? We say hell no! But we work in advertising. But if the Black Keys can do it, so can you! Lindsey Stillman and Reagan Ward are bringing together a panel of to talk about the challenges of music licensing for advertising.

Vote here and Tweet this: You like that song in that commerical? Us too. Vote for @reaganward and the @GSDM panel on music + advertising #SXSW

Deprogramming Dull: Digitally Reinventing Research

Focus groups are so over. Ok maybe not, but Ellen Kolsto and her team of pros are talking about how things are changing for focus groups with all us digitally savvy consumers out there. Market research is changing and these are the folks that can tell you where it’s headed.

Vote here and Tweet this: Vote for @ERKolsto + crew’s panel on digitally reinventing research You know you’re into it. You’re on Twitter! #SXSW

Teaching Old Analog Dogs New Tricks

You remember our ol’ good friend Luke Sullivan? Well his book Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide To Creating Great Advertising is back. And this time things get digital. Luke teamed up with Sam Bennett, our Digital Strategist, who co-authored it.

Vote here and Tweet this: Vote for @SamBennett’s panel on the 4th ed. of Hey Whipple! @HeyWhipple will be there + his sick sense of humor #SXSW

Tipping Point between Native Apps vs.Web Apps

Want to quit smoking? There’s an app for that! Autumn Abbruzzi worked closely with our client at the American Legacy Foundation and App developers on how they developed the most effective platform to help folks quit.

Vote here and Tweet this: Native Apps vs Web Apps? To smoke or not to smoke? @aabruzzi’s got you covered. Vote for her panel here #SXSW

Did you make it this far? Great! Just in time for my shameless self-promotion

Purveyors of Cool: Art, Culture and Brands

[Insert your favorite brand here] presents the latest [insert your favorite form of art here]. Music, art, film – brands are intertwined in it all. And we don’t think it’s a bad thing. Supporting the art you love and helping you decide what’s worth checking out, brands are helping. I’ve gathered artists and agencies to talk about how they are all working together in oh-so-perfect harmony.

Vote here and Tweet this: Hear why agencies and brands are getting their hands dirty with art. @AdeleLaurie’s panel for SXSW #SXSW

Alright loyal fan, can we count on you to help us get some votes? Thanks for your support. We really do love you.


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