Tablets: Bridging the gap between print and the web

As you can probably imagine, there are a lot of connected people at SXSW Interactive. Not just people who know people, but people who are digitally connected. Throughout every panel I’ve attended there are at least 20 or more people in the room pulling up information on their iPad as they listen along to the topic at hand.

This morning, I kicked off Day 4 of the festival (and of iPad envy) by attending Touching Stories: Designing Digital Magazines for the iPad.

As an Associate Media Director, it’s my job to know how technology is impacting consumers, and the media they consume. Over the past decade, digital media has been a game changer for publishers. Just about every magazine out there today has a mobile or tablet application, but not all apps are equal. Publishers need to rethink their content distribution model- and most importantly think beyond one platform.

This discussion with Hot Studio and Zinio was packed full of useful information for anyone who touches the digital magazines (from consumers to developers).

Overall, keep it simple, and make it intuitive. To see a full recap of the presentation, check out the link below:

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