The Stache Update – Week 2

By: Seema Vashi

Fourteen days into the great month of Movember, and our Mo’s are still flowin’! Check out the ‘stache updates of our Mo’ Bros, and be sure to give them some motivational comments. Two weeks down, two more to go! And remember, it’s never too late to help change the face of men’s health. Join the cause, spread the word, help raise money, and make a difference!


1. Name: Kenneth Walden 

‘Stache Status: Scraggly


2. Name: Joe H Garcia 

Stache Status: A bit wiry…I think I could brush some rust off an iron bar with this thing.



3. Name: Trent Warsham 

Stache Status: The stache is actually coming in quite nicely. However, since it is all blonde, you can only see it in the right light, and then it looks like a caterpillar is growing on my face.




4. Name: James Steckel 

Stache Status: High School Kid


5. Name: Eric Buchanan 

‘Stache Status: Ready to try out for the Spinal Tap tribute band.


6. Name: Dallas LaRose 

‘Stache Status: When entering MOvember, I thought… “Man, how wonderful this will be to not have to shave for a month.” Reality hit hard – little did I know that shaving around my statche was even harder than shaving it all off.


7. Name: David Canavan 

‘Stache Status: Barely Beautiful



8. Name: Bill Bayne 

‘Stache Status: Poor Man’s Bandit




9. Name: Matthew Lyle 

‘Stache Status: crustachalicous 



10. Name: Amir Mozafari 

‘Stache Status: Starting to take better shape and no longer itchy. Confidence is building, super human strength appearing sporadically. Can’t stop singing Bohemian Rhapsody. Excited for the rest of my journey.



11. Name: Joe Romine 



12. Name: Alden Hoffman



13. Name: Jim Agnew (Lisa McIntyre’s Father)

14. Name: Perry Conner (picture n/a)

‘Stache Status: Undistinguished. I knew I couldn’t grow a great mustache, but I was at least hoping for something a little more imposing, even ugly. At the ½ way mark, I’d say it’s rather pedestrian at best.

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