We’re Still Mo-ing

Last week, 17 brave men dedicated their faces to raising awareness for men’s health by agreeing to (try to) grow a mustache. Now a third of the way through Movember, Team Mopack is proving to be better than ever. A lot of the following is happening around the office:

***Citations of obscure celebrities with legendary mustaches (Captain Kangaroo – anyone?)
***Extreme flattery to those who’ve proven to be fastest growers
***Heated debates over how to spell mustache/moustache (feel free to weigh in)
***And maybe even a few desperate plots to dye flesh-colored facial hair

The team has raised over $5,000 and is hoping to keep up the momentum for the rest of the month. As a part of the fundraising efforts, we hosted a BYOS (Bring Your Own Shirt) Printing Party in the Lost Pecan Lounge. While most of us drank beers, designer Stephen Rockwood screen printed shirts with our masterful logo.

If you haven’t seen screen printing done before, there’s quite a bit of skill and grace required to make the perfect tee. They turned out great and Jefferson Burruss even established a new trend around here of layering logos (see the Lakers t-shirt below).

CONTEST: If you’re also participating in Movember, post a link to your Mo Space below and we’ll send one lucky winner an “Ask Me About My Mustache” shirt.

2011-11-08 16.52.15 2011-11-08 16.57.59

ScreenPrint  shot_1320796391177

If you’d like to donate to Team Mopack, you can donate here:

Thanks for your support!

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