What Blew Us Away at CES

If you’ve been to CES you know before you have a chance to unpack or fully process the overwhelming number of innovations, ideas and connections you’ve just made, the first question that everyone asks is “What was the coolest thing you saw at CES?” or “what was the one thing that really blew your mind?” So, let’s just cut to the chase right here and now and ask the GSD&M squad who spent the week in Vegas what was the one thing that they remember most. It can be a specific innovation from the show floor or a key takeaway or idea that inspired them.

Aaaaand, GO!

Carmen Graf, SVP

Executive Media Director

True personalization!  Everything is brand YOU. Not in the way of advertising targeting– rather in the way everything is truly connected.  Tech helps you, it takes care of you, and it allows you to customize choices (aka the Panasonic mirror), etc.

But this is what I am most blown away by…

Virtual realty and augmented reality are going to grow and evolve exponentially. What blows me away most is how that will change education around the world. Amazing opportunity. Of course that’s not all it will do, I know it will create true immersive experiences great opportunities for education – especially for under-served populations/kids.

Rye Clifton

Product Strategy Director

I keep going back to the Ricoh Theta (360 degree camera) The form factor was fun, it provided new utility, and it interfaces with the Oculus virtual reality platform.

Janice Suter

Director of Social Media

I was blown away by how far smart homes have come in such a short period of time. The Whirlpool Interactive Kitchen of the Future concept kitchen was the most impressive thing for me because it taps into such a strong human need and desire for parents and busy families to care for one another more effectively and efficiently. And when you see how all the different communication touch points (mobile, social, other appliances) are integrated into this kitchen, you begin to understand how brands will start being a part of this home-centered experience to help enable and deepen that value.

Melanie Mahaffey

VP of Communications

For me it was observing how people interact with technology especially the wearables. I came across so many customized gadgets, software that will change the way we interact with brands and consumers as well as will create opportunities to seamlessly incorporate the tech within our daily routines.

Duff Stewart


More data means we know the customer better than ever before and we can serve up better messaging. Technology and the fully connected, integrated life.

Rene Huey Lipton

Strategy Director

I thought what was potentially game changing was Ekso Bionics which is taking the idea of the bionic man and bringing it through to reality which will make a huge everyday difference to people around the world.  The other company which brought new thinking to both product and process is OWL (Old World Laboratories), which has not only rethought what the 3D printer looks like, but has put some serious thinking to how people might access its power—the benefit of the 3D printer is huge to the small business owner and the entrepreneur, but they are the people who don’t have the money to invest in ownership.  OWL has overcome that hurdle at a key time in the arc of  consumer ownership. These examples are about is access…a deeper access to the power of technology, and the use of technology to access a wider range of experiences.

Keith Jose

Director of Business Development

What blew me away was how much of a clean slate we have to help shape the future of ideas for our clients. Many applications of combining existing products or services with sensors (native to the product and in its surrounding environment) to enhance an experience.

The one thing I saw that may have the biggest impact across all our devices was Storedot (the bio organic nano crystal that can charge your phone in 30 SECONDS!)

Nancy Ryan

SVP/Managing Director, Account Leadership 

The silver bullet isn’t out there.  The main theme I’m hearing is we’re at a point of maturation on wearables (believe it or not). The next thing we need to do is take that data and make it meaningful to a customer. Solve a consumer problem. Data collection isn’t enough. It’s critical that we take the “things” out there and marry them to our clients’ needs.

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