From Austin American-Statesman: GSD&M Scores Big with Chipotle Account Win

By Claudia Grisales

Austin ad agency GSD&M has landed an account win with Chipotle Mexican Grill, one of the country’s fastest growing restaurant chains.

The move could be a boost to the Austin economy: Chipotle is a sought after account in the national advertising scene with 1,600 locations and more than $3 billion in annual sales.

It spends 1.7 percent of their revenue, or an estimated $54 million a year, on their marketing efforts that are concentrated into three major areas comprised of brand-building and original series work, local marketing programs and their overall traditional advertising efforts.

GSD&M will be helping the brand with their traditional advertising component, handling the media planning and buying business as well as some of their creative projects… Read more here.

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