Avocados from Mexico Returns to the Super Bowl

Advertising Age: Avocados From Mexico Back in Super Bowl With Second Spot

By: Jessica Wohl  Oct. 21, 2015

Avocados From Mexico is returning to the Super Bowl with a spot during the early part of the game and plans to focus on its year-round availability, using one of four ideas that are currently going through consumer testing.

The :30 spot from Avocados From Mexico, the industry’s marketing arm, is set to run during the first commercial break after kickoff, said Alvaro Luque, president of Avocados from Mexico.

“We have this unique opportunity that beer companies (and) chip companies have, to have the product present at the time of the game,” Mr. Luque said. “We wanted to test it out last year. The results were great. We had a fantastic February coming out of the Super Bowl. That was the right measure to see if we were doing things right.” Read more here.

Ad Week: Avocados From Mexico Will Return to the Super Bowl After This Year’s Surprise Hit

By David Gianatasio   Oct. 21 2015

Avocados From Mexico will make its second Super Bowl appearance, returning to the world’s most-watched TV event after enjoying surprise success during the big game in February with an ad from its “First Draft Ever” campaign.

Once again, GSD&M will craft the creative, while Havas Media handles the buying chores. The ad will run during the first commercial break of the Feb. 7, 2016 telecast on CBS and is part of a new marketing push, “Always There,” touting the year-round availability of Mexican-grown avocados.

“We are excited to lead the trend in healthier brands advertising during the most-watched event of the year,” said Alvaro Luque, president of Avocados From Mexico, “and we are committed to take a leadership role to outshine packaged-food brands to reinforce the ‘good for you’ message of our delicious fruit.” Read more here.

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